Friday 7 October 2011

Sign2Music Nursery Training Programme

I had a lovely taster session in a local nursery today. The children and staff enjoyed it so much that the nursery booked dates for the staff to take part in the Sign2Music nursery training programme. The staff are very excited about learning how to incorporate signing into their existing programes and the benefits it will bring. They should be excited! The benefits of signing in a childcare environment are HUGE as many nurseries in Northern Ireland have learned!

Benefits of signing in a childcare setting:

1. Supports early communication and development.
2. Helps build relationships and social skills.
3. Signing is multisensory, a great way for children to learn.
4. Can support early literacy development.
5. Can build self esteem and comfort with expressing emotions.
6. Can help manage behaviour and reduce challenging behaviour.
7. Helps children with a range of communication difficulties.
8. Is very beneficial for children for whom English is an additional language.
9. Introduces children to the language of the deaf community in NI.
10. Supports children with communication difficulties
11. Supports all the Areas of Learning in the NI Foundation Stage Curriculum.
12. Is loads of fun for all!

We offer nurseries the opportunity to take part in our Sign2Music Nursery /Childcare Training Programme. We train staff about the benefits of signing and how to incorporate into existing programmes in a fun way. This training can be arranged evenings  / weekends. We also help share the benefits of signing with parents via information letters and a parental workshop to explain to parents what and why their children will be doing in nursery and to encourage them to do the same at home.

We also offer regular Sign and Sing sessions which include songs, puppets, rhymes and stories. These sessions can be tailored to a particular topic, eg, Animals, transport, Easter, Christmas.

If you run a nursery you can reap the many benefits signing has in a childcare environment, enhancing communication, building relationships and confidence, reducing challenging behaviour and adding another fun element to your repertoire. You can also make your setting stand out from others in your area who do not offer this service, helping you attract and retain staff and children. Many parents who attend our classes and are returning to work seek out nurseries who are affiliated with Sign2Music so their carers will understand their child.

If you are signing with your child and they are attending or will be attending a nursery I am sure you would love to find a suitable nursery that can offer consistency by signing with your child when they are there. If you can't find such a setting but fall in love with a nursery all is not lost. Pass on our contact details and tell them about our training programme and sessions.

If you would be interested in a free taster session please contact / 07874742704. Feel free to pass on our contact details to any nurseries who may be interested in this exciting opportunity!

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